

I just love papaya. When I lived in Brazil, I used to eat it every day. It tastes great - and it's good for you. Now that I'm back in the UK, I treat myself to some from time to time. It costs an awful lot more than it did in Brazil - about 10 times as much - which is fine as it's shipped in from the other side of the world. The main problem is that it doesn't often taste anything like as good. It really is a hit and a miss - with misses being much more frequent than hits I'm afraid. I'm fairly sure that's why us Scots don't eat enough fruit and veg you know. It costs a lot of money and it doesn't taste all that great. However, I have been getting some good ones just recently - they are very tasty - so I'm making the most of it. I dice them up and mix them in with my porridge in the morning. It's not quite how I ate them in Brazil - but it's a great way to start the day. Photo first published at:  https://indigomi

Edinburgh At Christmas

George Street Edinburgh - Christmas 2017.

Edinburgh Christmas Lights


Firth of Forth


Somerset Hotel Gardens


Cod Fillet


Baked Salmon
